Podcast of the Five Rings

S3E16: Dazed & Disoriented

Episode Summary

On their way to Otosan Uchi to track down Tetsuya, the ronin are ambushed by assassin-monks and must fight for their lives...

Episode Notes

The monks dropped their ruse and revealed themselves for what they truly were: murderous assassins. In a haze, the ronin drew their weapons to defend themselves, but the damage was already done. Poison was coursing through their veins, making them feel lightheaded and fatigued, while the powder of the sokutoshi blinded and choked them. 

The assassins attacked, attempting to dispatch their targets while they had the advantage. Hoping to bide some time and distract the assassins, Kaizoku challenged the assassin with the ninjato to a one on one fight. The assassin proudly accepted. The two clashed while the others fought to gain an upperhand. The assassin with the blowgun flute dropped his weapon and unleashed a kusarigama concealed beneath his robes, immobilizing Boa while making a flurry of attacks against Tsume.

Kaizoku and the assassin faced each other, and it soon became clear that Kaizoku was outmatched. He was fighting a true professional. He bowed out of the challenge winded and exhausted. The assassin, attempting to finish what he started, knocked Kaizoku unconscious while he was trying to catch his breath, deforming his face and scarring his rugged features.

Fighting with their ally bleeding and out of commission, Tsume and Boa fought for their lives. The assassins fought with a determination and skill which the ronin had never faced before. They shrugged off attacks which would kill lesser enemies and refused to retreat.

With a force of sheer willpower, Kaizoku woke himself up from his unconsciousness and stabbed the assassin with the kusarigama through the gut with his magari yari, killing him. Undaunted, the other assassin continued the fight, beating Tsume within an inch of his life before eventually succumbing to his wounds and being finished off by Boa. 

The ronin tended to their wounds and searched the bodies of the assassins. They found a contract to eliminate them. It had details of where they were headed, the road they’d be taking and physical descriptions of each of them. It was signed by Otomo Nobu.

The next morning, the three finished their journey at a small village on the outskirts of Otosan Uchi. Filled with questions about the mounting tensions surrounding Closed Shell Castle and the schemes of Otomo Nobu, they searched for the shugenja, Reju Tetsuya. Dressed in the monk’s robes taken from one of the assassins, Tsume asked around town until he located Tetsuya at a local stable. 

The three descended on the stable, wearing armor adorned with the Reju family crest. Tetsuya was laying on a pile of hay, stinking of sake. He awoke and saw the three standing over him. “Damn,” was all he said.