Podcast of the Five Rings

S2E18: Reconciliation

Episode Summary

The Fox clan sets Ikoma Kenshi on a covert mission. The spirit of Togashi Yoshi is reunited with his long lost lover. The samurai have an audience with the new Emerald champion. Featuring our friend and fellow L5R podcaster Evan Strite (Crimson Gold Agonies, Secondhand Strife) as Otomo Yasushi! Become a supporter of the show at patreon.com/pot5r to get access to the "Behind the Shoji" after-show and a bunch of other new exclusive content!

Episode Notes

The Fox clan sets Ikoma Kenshi on a covert mission. The spirit of Togashi Yoshi is reunited with his long lost lover. The samurai have an audience with the new Emerald champion.

Featuring our friend and fellow L5R podcaster Evan Strite (Crimson Gold  Agonies, Secondhand Strife) as Otomo Yasushi!

Become a supporter of the show at patreon.com/pot5r to get access to the "Behind the Shoji" after-show and a bunch of other new exclusive content!


Previously on Podcast of the Five Rings… Ikoma Kenshi stood face to face with Fox clan champion, Kitsune Ryosei. She told him that in order for her to help him get his revenge against the Lion clan, he would have to prove his allegiance to her by spying on the Lion.

Ryosei informed Kenshi that in two days, on the night of the first day of Winter Court, the heads of the Lion clan were planning to convene and talk strategy. She explained that she wants someone on the inside to hear their plans—that someone would be Kenshi. In particular, Ryosei wanted to know if Matsu Tsuko, daimyo of the Matsu family, was planning to raid the Fox clan again. If so, when and where?

Meanwhile, Otomo Yasushi hatched a plan of his own. Wanting to follow up on information he overheard from the party, Yasushi procured a special kind of meditative incense favored by the Togashi monks. He lit this incense and began polishing the armor of Togashi Yoshi, all the while chanting prayers favored by the Dragon clan. Smelling the incense and hearing the prayers, Yoshi began speaking to Yasushi from his armor.

The two spoke openly with each other. Yoshi revealed to Yasushi what happened at Shiro Hiruma, and the circumstances that lead up to his spirit being bound to his armor. However, the Martyr Monk omitted the troubling Taint which now plagues his armor. Yasushi eagerly listened to everything Yoshi had to say while catering to his every whim, and arranging his armor in a handsome and thoughtful display.

Later, the rest of the party arrived back at the Otomo Guest House, where they found Yasushi had arranged a beautiful dinner and massages for the entire crew. Bayushi Tsubasa seemed uncomfortable at finding Yoshi’s armor on display in the Otomo Guest House.

Soon, a servant declared that a monk by the name of Togashi Kaiae had arrvied and was seeking an audience. Kaiae spoke evenly and diplomatically, though everyone could tell she seemed on edge about something. She mentioned a note which had been left for her that day informing her that she could speak with Togashi Yoshi. The party lead the monk into a private room to speak with Yoshi.

 She started by apologizing to him for the way she abruptly ended their relationship, then explained it was because she had been selected to become the personal aide to the Dragon clan champion, Togashi Yokuni. Next, she told Yoshi that the reason she was attending Winter Court was to formally reclaim Yoshi’s armor in the name of the Togashi Order. Her lord, Togashi Yokuni, believes their order would be the most well suited for properly caring for Yoshi’s armor, and that Yoshi’s counsel would greatly benefit their clan.

 Finally, she revealed to Yoshi that she knew his spirit had rejoined the mortal realm. She sensed it when his party reached Otosan Uchi. She also revealed that she sensed a dark, hideous anger emanating from Yoshi. She believes this was a result of the way she had hurt Yoshi in life. However, when Yoshi speaks, she quickly intuits that there is more to the story… something that Yoshi is not telling her. Worried that the dark power she senses from him may be a result of his time spent in Jigoku, she assures him that their master, Yokuni, would probably know of a way to cure his malady. She also pleads to him that he leaves Otosan Uchi at once, for he may be introducing threat that no one can foresee.

The next morning, a messenger came to the Otomo Guest House on behalf of the Emerald Champion. The new Emerald Champion, Ide Makujin, urgently requested an audience with the Heroes of Rokugan and their crew. In a short, direct message, he demanded that they meet him that night at the Unicorn embassy.

 Before meeting Makujin, Buro wrote a formal letter to the Scorpion Embassy, asking them what the official plans for court were. Buro also noticed that Kuni Akari had been uneasy and quiet since arriving in the capital, and asked her about her discomfort. Akari simply wrote a note saying that they should speak soon, but not in the Otomo Guest House.

Meanwhile, Tomo traveled to the Crab embassy and scheduled an audience with a representative of the Hida family for the next day, and Kenshi used his charm to score an invitation to play at the Lion Guest House the first night of court.

 Later that night, the party traveled to the Unicorn embassy for their audience with Ide Makujin. Makujin welcomed them sincerely into his chamber, admitting that he had been eagerly waiting to meet  them since he heard they would be attending the Emperor’s Winter Court. He graciously thanked them all for their service to the empire, and remarked that they had each individually proven their worth and their honor as samurai. He did seem slightly put-off by the presence of Yasushi, however, he decided that what he was about to say should probably be heard by him as well.

Makujin admitted that he was in need of the party’s help. He began by saying that Rokugan has thrived for over a thousand years because they were blessed by the wisdom of the Kami. That their way of life could only continue to flourish if each samurai did their duty by following their lord’s command, and by protecting the vassals who served beneath them. That a samurai’s life is servitude and could be measured by their adherence to the code of Bushido. 

Makujin’s face then turned dark. He confessed that he believes there are individuals within Rokugan who are working to upend their way of life and who have turned their backs on Bushido. Makujin fears there is a conspiracy against the Emerald Champion, and perhaps against Rokugan as a whole.