Podcast of the Five Rings

S2E13: Hidden Treasures

Episode Summary

Tomo, Buro, Kenshi, Akari, and Tsubasa make their way to Beidan Pass - their last major obstacle to overcome before they get to Otosan Uchi. Kenshi's friends help him learn more about his mysterious past. Support the show at patreon.com/pot5r to get access to the "Behind the Shoji" after-show and a bunch of other new bonus content!

Episode Notes

Tomo, Buro, Kenshi, Akari, and Tsubasa make their way to Beidan Pass - their last major obstacle to overcome before they get to Otosan Uchi. Kenshi's friends help him learn more about his mysterious past. Support the show at patreon.com/pot5r to get access to the "Behind the Shoji" after-show and a bunch of other new bonus content! 


Tomo, Buro, Kenshi, Akari, and Tsubasa sat before the Scorpion champion himself, Bayushi Shoju. He greeted the samurai with hospitality, and told them that Tsubasa requested his help on a grave issue. Tomo explained their predicament to Shoju and asked for his assistance. Shoju admitted that the Taint is a serious problem in Rokugan, and that there is no known cure for it. The best they can do is speak with the Kuni family and hope they may know of a way to reverse its effect. In reality, becoming tainted usually spells the end of a samurai’s career, either living on in forced exile, becoming a patient of the Kuni Purifiers, or in some cases, execution.

Shoju told the party that he did have a short term solution for their problem though, until they can finish their mission and seek help from the Kuni family. He explained that he had in his retainership the greatest scholars of the Yogo Wardmaster school. They will be able to mask the taint, preventing anyone from detecting it, and slowing its spread so it does not corrupt the armor any further. The party was hesitant about accepting this treatment, but eventually relented. Shoju explained to the party that it was his great pleasure to aid them in their mission, as they are true heroes of Rokugan, and that his support should be seen as a thank you on behalf of the empire.

With that settled, the samurai asked Shoju about the Hare clan and the Yasuki Logging Company. Shoju admitted that the Emperor ordered him to execute the Hare for conducting Maho, and as a sign of admiration for the Crab clan and token of support for the Yasuki family, agreed to give Shiro Usagi to the Yasuki family. When questioned about the sword stand Buro found in the remains of the Hare castle, Shoju said it probably belonged to some precious family heirloom, the whereabouts of which he knows nothing of.

When asked about the Lion-Crane War, Shoju told the story of the war so far, and its slow escalation into the brutal conflict that it has become. Shoju identified what he believes is the root cause of the war: incompetent leadership on both sides. The Crane is lead by the inexperienced boy Doji Hoturi, who many  believe is nothing more than a young boy waging war to prove himself a man. On the other side, the Lion clan is lead by an equally untested young man, Akodo Toturi. Rumor has it that he is eager to make peace with Hoturi, which has incensed many of the other Lion daimyos who see that as a sign of weakness. Shoju revealed that the Scorpion clan has not chosen a side in the war, and that their top priority will always be to protect and serve the emperor, above all else.

Immediately after their audience with Shoju, the party delivered Yoshi’s armor the high priests of the Yogo Wardmasters. The samurai sat in awe as these masters performed the ritual. Before long, the taint ofarmor was undetectable by jade, and Yoshi admitted that discomforting presence had been abated-- not expelled, but certainly slowed. After the ritual, the wardmasters reminded the party what was at stake. Their secret needed to be kept under wraps at all costs. If it was discovered that Yoshi’s armor was tainted and that they willingly masked it in order to sneak it into the emperor’s court, the consequences would indeed be dire. The priests explained that they should consider themselves lucky that Lord Bayushi Shoju is so sympathetic to their cause.

The next day, the party set out from Kyuden Bayushi, a heavy rain bearing down upon them. The road sprawled out to the north east, toward the Spine of the World, where its lowest peaks were already covered in snow. Behind them sat Kyuden Bayushi, watching their every step toward Otosan Uchi.


Album Art by Dylon Munoz


Rokugan Theme by Brandon Spain

Dragon Theme by Brandon Spain

Sleepy Little Fishing Town by podcast of the Five Rings

Yoshi's Lament by Podcast of the Five Rings

Kuni Waste Jam by Podcast of the Five Rings

Battle Storm by Podcast of the Five Rings