Podcast of the Five Rings

S3E11: Informant

Episode Summary

Boa comes face to face with an old foe. Boa and Tsume work to complete their training. Kaizoku works to further his plot to free his old compatriot. All the while, the team grapples with what to do with the information they have gathered thus far.

Episode Notes

Boa sat in the castle tea room speaking with Mamoru Nakama, the shapeshifting wolf, and Dzudh Khan, the wandering monk. Nakama seemed to have marked Ide Toshio, a diplomat from the Unicorn clan, as his prey, worried that he was the cause of the over-hunting in the forest. Boa tried to get Nakama to understand that larger factors were at play, but Nakama would not hear it. It appeared Nakama had a plan to stop Reju Jikai’s hunting in the forest and it had something to do with Ide Toshio, but Nakama wouldn’t speak of the details. Before Boa could ask any deeper questions, Nakama prowled away. Dzudh suggested finding a way to gain Nakama’s trust, maybe then he would elaborate on his plans.

The next couple weeks at Closed Shell Castle fell into a comfortable routine. Kaizoku began his assignment guarding the castle wall at night. During his shifts, he began to subtly plot Zagra’s escape. He studied every nook and cranny of the castle wall’s and took careful inventory of the personnel who had direct contact with the prisoners as well as their routines and schedules. One night, after being urged by Setsuo, the village elder, Kaizoku wrote a letter to Twin Blessings Village to inform the village that Setsuo was alive and well. 

Boa and Tsume both completed their training with Reju Masaru and were given permanent assignments. Boa would work in the keep, overseeing day to day life and keeping the servants in line, while Tsume would become a member of the ranging parties which make frequent trips outside the castle. 

One night, Tsume decided to confront the lady of the castle, Seppun Azusa, about the information he had on Miya Shinkako. He told Azusa that he required an audience with her and her husband, Reju Jikai, so that he could tell them the secret which Shinkako had been hiding from them. Azusa was intrigued and promised to arrange a meeting.

As Kaizoku was settling into his guard duties one evening, he received two letters, both from Natsumi of Twin Blessings Village. The first was addressed to him. It was thanking him for helping to support the village and writing on Setsuo’s behalf, as well as updating the pirate on the status of his ship: the repairs were finished and it was waiting to set sail at Twin Blessings Village. The second letter was addressed to Setsuo. Kaizoku read it greedily. He was shocked at what it had to say. Apparently the people of Twin Blessings Village and Nestled Village had had enough of Reju Jikai’s tyranny and, along with the bandits of the forest, they were planning a revolt. 

Kaizoku laughed to himself, reflecting on the naivety of the villagers. The fact that they thought they stood a chance against the castle was bad enough, but to put the information so bluntly into a letter and not believe anyone would read it… Utterly astounding. Despite that, he was a little moved by the courage and sincerity of the villagers.

“Can’t have anyone know about this,” he thought to himself as he burned the letter.